Connect with others attending METC!

Have you checked twitter yet? 

Be sure to follow the #METC_CSD hashtag for updates and tweets from those attending the conference both in person and virtually.  Other hashtags that are being used throughout the conference include #bofMETC (Birds of a feather), #unMETC (Unconference), and #virtualMETC (Virtual Sessions).!/METC_CSD

Did you see that picture? 

METC is on flickr!  We would love to see all those amazing pictures taken during METC.  Don't be afraid to create an account and leave a comment.  A picture is worth a thousand words, right?  Please use tags METC2011, #METC_CSD, and Midwest Education Technology Conference.

Don't forget the METC ning!

Networks with other educators who are attending the conference.  Join the ning and begin connecting!  A big thank you to Stephanie Madlinger for setting up this group! Find more information by going to the following site: